This brand spankin' new blog is for me to document my adventures in crocheting, knitting and general crafting. I also gush about yarn. A LOT. You have been warned.
My name is Lyra (lye-ruh). I'm a visual artist, interior designer (not decorator, mind you), auntie to two three-year-olds, wife to the wonderful (and long-suffering) TJ and yarn freak (this explains why TJ is long suffering). I am currently obessessed with my wonderful husband, the two babies, crocheting, knitting, sewing and the avaricious acquisition of spun fiber and all its related objects.
I am also very interested in the revival of Philippine dying arts, architecture and design. I love travelling the Philippines and exploring regional cottage industries and taking note of local designs made according to location, religion and materials. My lovely Philippines is a very diverse place, so I have my work cut out for me.
Any questions? Feel free to e-mail me at lyra_kristine@yahoo.com
All flames will be used to grill steak. Thanks.