After a week of non-stop work, it's finally done! It was better than I thought it would turn out. I'm so happy. Special thanks to my sister Nuniko for modeling it. (It's really for her anyway... heehee!)
Four Balls of Monaco Crochet Thread in Shade B34,
Size 7 steel hook (Imia)
Yarn needle to weave in ends.
Pattern derived from lace pattern found in Madonna Crochet Magazine Number 6.
Hi Lyra!!!! I'm so happy to see you joined blogger! Love the halter top....it's so lacy and in my favorite shade of pink! Your sis is so sexy! She carried off the outfit perfectly! I wish my body is still like hers.....LOL!!!!!
Oh, forgot to add.....I got a vintage pattern book too given by hubby's grandma. It's Dressmaking Crochet. The year is 1968. I'll bring it when we meet someday.:-)))
The pictures turned out great. :D Although I wish you didn't include the one with the basketball shorts.
Will wear this soon (let me just exercise my love handles off)! Thanks so much! Love you!
- Snu
And yesh, that was me. And I chose to use an Anonymous identity because I'm like...sooooooo smart.
Make me a skirt! X3
Mwehehe. Sure! I have a pattern for it already. :D
I really need to get rid of all the yarn that I have.
So I have an excuse to get MORE.
Super color scheme, I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.
Wow, Lyra, that is beautiful! Now I couldn't wear it myself (would reveal too much of my lovely self!), but the color is my favorite and I love the stitches - perfect! Great job!
I am visiting from C'ville as I saw your post under the Doily Swap. I have not "met" you before or seen your other posts until now,(and I've been on C'ville for a year or two now) so I had to "meet" you through your blog. The fact that you live in the Philippines caught my attention too as I am fond of those islands considering I met a Pen Pal there 26 years ago when my pal and I were only 12. Oh I don't mean we met in person, but I was given her name (Mimie Bulandus), and we began to write and still stay in touch today! We are 38 years old now and she lives in Canada, but her family is still there in the Philippines. So I'm always interested when more Filipinos join the C'ville board.
This was long, but just wanted to say "HI!"
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