I am one of the fortunate ones. I have a wonderful family, good friends and a little boy who is my world. I have made some pretty awful decisions in my life, there are days when I feel like a total failure because of my poor judgment in character or just my lack of foresight. But I get out of the consequences of my actions practically unscathed. So thank you, whoever you are: God, Lady Luck, Buddha etc for the immense support you have given me by letting me be born into my family and in the same circles as my dearest friends. I honestly believe that without them, I would have been just another hopeless wreck.
Here's to being a step away from 30.
29 is a wonderful age! At least to me, I think it's a better age for wisdom, yet still youthful :) Perfect inbetween.
You are gorgeous, if I might add!
Hee, thanks for the lovely compliment. I also think you're gorgeous. Seeing your pictures makes me miss my old home, thanks for having such a FABULOUS blog!
Yeah, it doesn't change much in you, once the fateful birthday comes and passes, does it? :) My 29 was in April and I think I took it pretty well... Next year will be the really big test though. :)
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